Harvy vs. Traditional Logbook Checker Software

While competitor software may appear cost-effective initially, Harvy's comprehensive approach leads to substantial savings in time, labour, and potential compliance-related penalties.

The investment in Harvy translates to improved operational efficiency and audit readiness.

Compare logbook checker app with harvy

Value Comparison

Traditional Logbook Checker Software

  • Pricing model: Monthly fee per driver

  • Restricted capabilities

  • Fails to simplify or eliminate process pain points

  • Requires ongoing manual effort

  • Requires training and expertise

Harvy AI Compliance Co-Pilot

  • Pricing model: Per sheet cost with discount tiers

  • Streamlines entire compliance process, reducing hidden costs such as filing, sheet retrieval and reporting

  • Significant long-term savings

  • Eliminates need for dedicated, trained data entry and admin staff

  • Savings of $60,000 - $80,000 AUD per year in FTE costs for larger operators

  • Scalable solution that grows with your business

"For any transport operator wanting to make compliance easier, Harvy's the way to go. It's like having an extra team member handling all the complex stuff for you." Makayla B, Ailmore Transport

"With Harvy, we now review 100% of our sheets instead of just 10%. The extra cost is worth it for complete coverage and peace of mind." Paul M, General Manager, HPS Transport

"Harvy lets us do a much better job at compliance. It's a small price increase for a big improvement in standards." Joshua S, SE National

"Harvy lets us do a much better job at compliance. It's a small price increase for a big improvement in standards." Joshua S, SE National

traditional logbook CHECKER app vs harvy

Feature Comparison

Logbook Checker Software

✅ STD, BFM and AFM Breach Detection

✅ Generate NCR's from Breaches

✅ Track and Record Breach Resolution

✅ Automated Data Entry

✅ One-Click Compliance Reports (QCRs)

✅ Driver Behaviour and Breach Trends

✅ Easy-to-Read Breach Detection and NCRs

✅ 3-Year Sheet Storage with Quick Search

✅ Easy Notice to Produce Reports

✅ Centralised Compliance Management

Harvy AI Compliance Co-Pilot

✅ STD, BFM and AFM Breach Detection

✅ Generate NCR's from Breaches

❌ Track and Record Breach Resolution

❌ Automated Data Entry

❌ One-Click Compliance Reports (QCRs)

❌ Driver Behaviour and Breach Trends

❌ Easy-to-Read Breach Detection and NCRs

❌ 3-Year Sheet Storage with Quick Search

❌ Easy Notice to Produce Reports

❌ Centralised Compliance Management

transport companies prefer harvy

Key Benefits of Harvy

Comprehensive Oversight
One-click reports and detailed insights provide a holistic view of compliance status.

Audit Readiness
Centralised records and quick search capabilities ensure constant preparedness for NHVR audits.

Proactive Compliance
Trend analysis and easy-to-understand breach detection enable proactive fatigue management.

Time Savings
Automated data entry and streamlined processes significantly reduce administrative workload.

Improved Accuracy
AI-powered data processing minimises human error in compliance management.

Web-based solution allows for easy management across multiple depots or a growing fleet.

While initial costs may be higher, long-term savings in labour and potential fines offer significant ROI.

Experience the benefits of Harvy

Book a demo to see how Harvy saves time and makes your life a whole lot easier.

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