Say Goodbye to Work Diary Chaos.

Maximise your efficiency and savings with Harvy. Our platform streamlines driver log book data entry and seamlessly reports NHVR breaches, making the complex simple and the tedious effortless.

Say Goodbye to Work Diary Chaos.

Maximise your efficiency and savings with Harvy. Our platform streamlines driver log book data entry and seamlessly reports NHVR breaches, making the complex simple and the tedious effortless.

Say Goodbye to Work Diary Chaos.

Maximise your efficiency and savings with Harvy. Our platform streamlines driver log book data entry and seamlessly reports NHVR breaches, making the complex simple and the tedious effortless.

work diary logbook work sheet backlog
Heavy Vehicle Assisted Reporting and Verification


Reduction in labour costs


Increase in staff productivity

experience the power of harvy

The Solution to the Challenges, Cost and Complexity of NHVR Work Diary Processing and Compliance.

Harvy’s AI-driven platform automates work diary processing and streamlines compliance reporting, reducing errors and the risk of non-compliance.

The incredible time saving allows your team to refocus their energy on core business activities, driving growth, and enhancing overall efficiency in your transport operations.

"Sensational. It’s going to revolutionise the industry."

Ron, HR Manager

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increased efficiency, time and cost savings

Benefits of Introducing Harvy to your Transport Operations

Dramatically reduced data entry

By automating data entry, Harvy allows your team to spend more time on strategic and value-adding activities, driving your company's growth and long-term success.

Streamlined compliance

Harvy ensures consistent adherence to NHVR laws and rapid breach reporting, reducing the risk of fines and penalties, and promoting a culture of regulatory compliance.

Significant time and cost savings

With Harvy's automation, you can significantly reduce operational costs and time, enabling you to invest those resources back into the business.

Quick access to work sheets

Harvy provides instant access to historical work diary sheets, allowing you to export compliant reports by driver and date range. No need for filing cabinets!

User-friendly platform

The intuitive design of the Harvy platform ensures that all staff can easily learn and maintain consistent data entry and compliance practices.

Best practice insights

Harvy's built-in insights and analytics tools allow you to monitor the efficiency gains and turnaround times, helping drive continuous improvement.

your operational productivity booster

Monthly ROI Calculator

Harvy expertly handles bulk scanning of work diary sheets, quickly flags potential errors and breaches, and enables your team to act fast.

The result?

A productivity leap of 570% and more time to focus on what matters - steering your business to success.





38 hrs

+30 hrs in time gained

8 hrs




+$855 in profitability


13 sheets / hr

200 sheets / hr

++Productivity boost

PRE harvy

post HARVY

gains with HARVY

Data entry

72 hrs

12 hrs

+60 hrs in time

Labour cost



+$1,800 in profit


30 sheets / hr

200 sheets / hr

+570% in productivity

Based on employee cost of $40/hr, processing 26,000 sheets/yr. View the Case Study here.

intelligent data entry and NHVR compliance

How Does it Work?

Watch as Harvy's AI Magic springs into action, scanning each work diary sheet with eagle-eyed precision. Breaches, potential errors, or unsure data? They're all flagged up by Harvy, leaving no stone unturned.

Now, picture this - 50 worksheets, all processed, reviewed, and ready to go in under 10 minutes. Sounds like a dream? With Harvy, it's your new reality. Get ready to turbocharge your compliance process!

Driver work diary automated reporting and compliance
Driver work diary automated reporting and compliance
Driver work diary automated reporting and compliance


Bulk Scan and Send: Gather your daily work diary sheets and send them over to HARVY in one easy, bulk scan. No more tedious, one-at-a-time scanning!


HARVY's AI Magic: Watch as HARVY springs into action, scanning each work diary sheet with eagle-eyed precision. Breaches, potential errors, or unsure data? They're all flagged up by HARVY, leaving no stone unturned.


Your Way, Your Rules: Choose how hands-on you'd like to be. Review every sheet, or let HARVY guide you to the ones needing attention. And remember, HARVY's not just smart; it's a quick learner, becoming smarter and more precise as your team works with it.


Your Way, Your Rules: Choose how hands-on you'd like to be. Review every sheet, or let HARVY guide you to the ones needing attention. And remember, HARVY's not just smart; it's a quick learner, becoming smarter and more precise as your team works with it.


Quick Action and CoR Transparency: Discover a breach? Action it swiftly and directly from HARVY, championing best practice compliance and providing a clear picture for every manager in your Chain of Responsibility (CoR).

Your ai compliance co-pilot


Watch as Harvy's AI Magic springs into action, scanning each work diary sheet with eagle-eyed precision. Breaches, potential errors, or unsure data? They're all flagged up by Harvy, leaving no stone unturned.

Now, picture this - 50 worksheets, all processed, reviewed, and ready to go in under 10 minutes. Sounds like a dream? With Harvy, it's your new reality. Get ready to turbocharge your compliance process!


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simple onboarding process

Getting Started

Embarking on the Harvy journey is as easy as 1-2-3. With our concierge setup and optimisation service you'll be saving time and money in no time at all!

driver log book processing assistance

Book a Personalised Demo

We'll take you through Harvy and answer your questions on how to streamline your operations.

Book a Personalised Demo

We'll take you through Harvy and answer your questions on how to streamline your operations.

Book a Personalised Demo

We'll take you through Harvy and answer your questions on how to streamline your operations.


Get in touch with our team for a discovery call, where we'll discuss your needs and guide you through selecting the perfect subscription plan for your business.


Get in touch with our team for a discovery call, where we'll discuss your needs and guide you through selecting the perfect subscription plan for your business.


Our dedicated team will work with you to onboard your staff and provide in-depth training to ensure everyone is confident and ready to maximize Harvy's potential.


Our dedicated team will work with you to onboard your staff and provide in-depth training to ensure everyone is confident and ready to maximize Harvy's potential.


With Harvy fully integrated into your operations and your team trained, it's time to launch and watch as Harvy revolutionises your heavy vehicle compliance and reporting processes, driving growth and efficiency in your business.


With Harvy fully integrated into your operations and your team trained, it's time to launch and watch as Harvy revolutionises your heavy vehicle compliance and reporting processes, driving growth and efficiency in your business.

Your Road to Smarter Compliance

About Us

Born out of our passion for simplifying complex processes and fuelled by the power of cutting-edge AI technology, we've set out on a mission to transform the transport industry, one automated task at a time.

Our team of transport gurus and tech wizards at Knkt Digital came together to create Harvy, an ingenious platform designed to turn tedious manual data entry into a thing of the past.

We're all about:

Saving operational costs

Improving your bottom line

Reducing burden of compliance

Helping your business move faster

Compliance and work diary reporting for Australian trucking companies
Compliance and work diary reporting for Australian trucking companies


Frequently Asked Questions.

Why's it called Harvy?

Harvy is an acronym for Heavy vehicle Assisted Reporting and Verification. All your mates have a nickname, right?

Why did you build Harvy?

When can our team use it?

How does Harvy help with heavy vehicle compliance?

Is Harvy easy to use?

Can Harvy really save me time and money?

How do I get started with Harvy?

Is there ongoing support?

How secure is my data with Harvy?

How do I stay updated on Harvy's latest features?

How much does a subscription cost?

Are there any additional fees?

Experience the benefits of Harvy

Book a demo to see how Harvy saves time and makes your life a whole lot easier.

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